Our Policies


We strive for quality service. If you are ever dissatisfied with our work, please do not hesitate to kindly let us know and we’re happy to provide corrections. We prefer you let us know prior to paying so we address it same day.


Late Arrivals & Cancellations

  • We ask that you please arrive on time for the appointment. Not doing so, will push us out of our time-frame for the next client and pushes back the whole day.

  • We never do confirmation calls, however, we will likely call you five minutes after your scheduled appointment if you have not arrived yet. If there is no response from our phone call to you, fifteen minutes past scheduled appointments are considered No-Show. The schedule will go to the next available client.

  • It would be kind if you could please notify us if you are unable to make it at least 48 hours in advance to open up a spot to the next available client.

We reserve the right to refuse service to:

  • Anyone that displays signs of health concerns such as contagious infections, open wounds, or illnesses

  • Anyone more than 10-15 minutes late for an appointment

  • Anyone that displays aggression and inappropriate behavior to our employees and clients